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expanded range中文是什么意思

用"expanded range"造句"expanded range"怎么读"expanded range" in a sentence


  • 扩展范围
  • 延伸范围


  • Calculational method for expanded range of one dimension trajectory correction fuze
  • The multi - layer feedforward back - propagation neural network has found a widely expanding range of applications
  • Both seem eminently sensible ways for consumers to benefit from the ever expanding range of products designed to enhance health and expand consumer choice
  • The tdc continued to facilitate trade through market intelligence , trade matching and an expanding range of e - commerce applications . its self - developed internet portal ,
  • As these markets evolve , attracting new trading models and participants , market data vendors have become solution providers , offering an expanded range of flexible applications and technology platforms
  • For years , jinke s r & d center has been working hard to study the ways to improve the stability of sodium percarbonate , and recently breakthrough is made to greatly raise the wet stability of spc . this establishes the basis for expanded range of applications for spc
  • Competition will foster gains in efficiency and productivity , which will strengthen china s economy over time and enhance the ability of chinese firms to compete with the best multinationals in any market . china s economy will benefit from the expanded range of services - - insurance , finance , distribution - - that foreign companies want to bring into china after its wto accession
  • Speaking at the ceremony , mr tang said that with the exponential growth in the number of internet users worldwide and the ever expanding range of web - based applications and services , improvement in the quality of internet service in terms of transmission speed , reliability and system capacity was something that users looked forward to , and those in the academia and industry were working towards
用"expanded range"造句  
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